Líneas entrelazadas en formas geométricas tridimensionales son la inspiración principal de estas cocinas de autor.

In MANUEL TORRES DESIGN we have been inspired by the truss structures, intertwined lines based on three-dimensional geometric shapes, and origami for the new Author Kitchens by ARTISTIQUE Cucine Studio. Geometric basic shapes that are repeated and multiply originating new textures, volumes and infinite prints creating kinetic optical effects or great graphics. Complex and modular origamis that create a new formula of folds without cuts, as a form of construction resulting in new optical designs with an avant-garde and futuristic effect.

Geometric shapes with 3D vision, relive a cyclical trend that gives dynamism to flat surfaces.

The three-dimensional effect gives flat surfaces a spectacular play of light and shadow with a very contemporary and current trend, providing a hallmark of identity.

MANUEL TORRES DESIGN has detected innovation opportunities with a great contribution of added value to the company ARTISTIQUE Cucine Studio. From here we have been inspired to imagine new products, services and experiences to anticipate trends and come up with an idea that leads to secure success.

The key to achieving innovative designs is to capture the emotions, fulfill the function of the products and above all generate an innovative design. In this way, the new designs of Kitchen of Author will contribute innovative values ​​in his materials, finishes, ironworks, accessories, innovative materials and functionality.

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