Kvadrato Rugs

Kvadrato Rugs

Diseño para la KVADRATO Rugs Collection de la marca WOOP Rugs, desarrollado bajo laos conceptos de sencillez, utilidad, versatilidad, green design y libertad.

Manuel Torres Acemel, along with the teamwork of his studios MANUEL TORRES DESIGN, designed for the WOOP RUGS brand of GRUPO NOVADECOR, a different and personal way of understanding an idea as simple as a carpet. This is KVADRATO Rugs Collection, which has been made with different finishes and typologies following the latest parameters of the DIY Tendency (Do It Yourself) as an essential premise of the project. La meta para el equipo creativo, ha sido crear una línea única llena de color y volumen diferenciada por su diseño e innovación, desarrollada bajo los conceptos de sencillez, utilidad, versatilidad, green design y libertad. KVADRATO Rugs Collection está disponible a nivel internacional comercializándose en Europa y México.


For this the international study of design was raised as a fundamental premise, to develop an innovative design, ecofriendly and unique in its segment. These exclusive carpets of 3,5mm of thickness and of customizable width and length woven to measure for Environments Indoor and Outdoor, are non-slip and resistant to the light and to the water, are composed by synthetic fibers of the highest quality that facilitate his maintenance and the duration.

Under the slogan “DO IT YOURSELF / MAKE IT YOURS”, KVADRATO is a collection of eight fully customizable carpets: Bilbao, Sao Paulo, Aberdeen, Mikonos, Siena, Edinburgh, x and Mexico. Starting with nine colors, using the configurator and your creativity you will be able to create exclusive designs, creating a unique carpet, being able to create designs from fun and colorful carpets to more sober and elegant ones that cover all your needs, that adapt to your own style. The limit is your creativity.

The design of KVADRATO Rugs Collection responds to an exhaustive Research of Trends, which resulted in Do It Yourself (DIY) as vectora vectora of the project, where the customization and creation of unique objects is very rewarding. And it is precisely this feeling of being part of the product that KVADRATO Rugs Collection wants to provoke in the user.

The purpose has been to design an Author Collection of avant-garde and international style and clearly differentiated through design, innovation, functionality and sustainability, also characterized by the use of materials of easy maintenance and long duration, through an innovative process of production, having as target the use in private spaces and preferably contract and institutional, thus covering the widest possible spectrum of its target audience.

In short, with the creation of this new Carpet Collection, the studio MANUEL TORRES DESIGN has managed to go beyond the mere functional use of it, thus enhancing its functionality, generating sensations and emotions through a creative and innovative design full of color and volume that provides an important added value to the product and, above all, comfort and practicality to its users.

About WOOP Rugs:

WOOP Rugs, is a brand of NOVADECOR GROUP, which takes the carpet concept a step further. An ambitious bet that is based on offering the final customer the almost absolute control in the creation of his carpet. WOOP Rugs gives you the necessary tools to turn your dreamed environment into reality thanks to its great adaptability and its customization possibilities.




Av. Zarandoa, 12

48015 Bilbao

Tlf: 94 475 91 19

Fax: 944 471 747



Monte Camerún 54 Piso 2º

Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec

11010 México DF

Tlf:+52 1 (55) 5059 7633


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