Diseño de producto de un grifo de Piura Collection diseñado por Manuel Torres Design

HELVEX Piura Collection

La colección Piura de accesorios de baño rompe con todas las ideas preconcebidas de cómo una línea de grifería debe ser: líneas sensuales, desprovistas de superficialidad y acabado lujoso.

MANUEL TORRES DESIGN has designed for the new line of the manufacturer of bathroom accessories and keys HELVEX by DESIGNERS, PIURA Collection, a collection that breaks with all the preconceived ideas of how a line of taps should be, sensual lines, devoid of superficiality, and a luxurious finish with high aesthetics.


To this end, a complete collection of bathroom fixtures and accessories has been created, based on a system created by the studio, the SIDIB Method – Integral Design System Inspired by Biomimicry -, a system that is the origin of a thorough analysis and research of trends that offers projects with real, personal solutions; but above all able to add value to its clients and anticipate the competition, enjoying the benefits of excellence and exclusivity of becoming trendsetters companies thanks to the final result in the design of their products.

The SIDIB Method seeks to free the form and eliminate all that is superfluous to make way for a simple piece with a captivating design. With the purpose of creating emotions, the inspiration in Biomimicry as a science that studies nature and new innovative technologies to solve those human problems that nature has solved, has been the vectora of the creative process.

Beauty in the minimum expression, the emulation of nature as an inexhaustible source of future designs, where the organic dynamism of water pushes the limits of design.

It is a clean, pure, natural and organic collection that moves away from conventionalism to approach a sculptural work at the service of hygiene, which brings an intense aesthetic torrent to the simplest of toilets giving sensory pleasure and ecological values.

A line where diversity, fragility and the subtle relationship between form and efficiency result in a functional, efficient, profitable and sustainable design with a high aesthetic appeal. An avant-garde design that remains unchanged over time.

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